Check out the winners of our 22nd Annual Alcohol Awareness PSA contest “Everything is Awesome When You’re Alcohol Free”, 11 Sussex County schools had winning entries! With over 100 submissions, these entries truly stood out. Thank you to the teachers that had students enter as we appreciate their concern about this topic.
- The 8 poster winners will be featured in the NJ Herald in the school section in April
- The 3 PSA winners will be featured on 102.3 WSUS, iHeart Radio and will be aired through-out April for Alcohol Awareness Month.
- The 3 video winners will be featured on social media platforms throughout the month of April.
- The honorable mentions will be featured on our website.
- Winners will also be shared on
1. Katelyn King (High Point Regional High School, grade 11, Mr. Fenlon)
- Frankford Township School, Kenny Rolon – grade 4 – Mrs. Slota
- Frankford Township School, Natalie Gushea – grade 4 – Mrs. Klimas
- Franklin Township School, Tara Anderson – grade 7 – Mr. Speer
- Hopatcong Middle School, Makayla Prebor – grade 6 – Mrs. Martin
- Kittatiny Regional High School, Brianna Strada- grade 7- Ms. Bitondo
- Kittatiny Regional High School, Shayla Befumo– grade 9 – Ms. Bitondo
- Wantage Elementary, Jessica Romash – grade 4 – Mrs. Schnetzer
- Montague, Caylee Fletcher– grade 6 – Mr. Ferriere
Hopatcong Middle School, Makayla Prebor – grade 6 - Mrs. Martin
Wantage Elementary, Jessica Romash – grade 4 – Mrs. Schnetzer
Kittatiny Regional High School, Brianna Strada- grade 7- Ms. Bitondo
Kittatiny Regional High School, Shayla Befumo- grade 9 - Ms. Bitondo
Franklin Township School, Tara Anderson – grade 7 – Mr. Speer
Frankford Township School, Natalie Gushea - grade 4 - Mrs. Klimas
Montague, Caylee Fletcher- grade 6 – Mr. Ferriere
Frankford Township School, Kenny Rolon - grade 4 - Mrs. Slota
- Frankford Township School, Brooklyn Davis – grade 4- Mrs. Slota
- Frankford Township School, Charlotte Adam – grade 4 – Mrs. Klimas
- Franklin Borough, Gabrielle Cox – grade 8 – Mr. Speer
- Glen Meadow Middle School, Arianna Johnson – grade 7 – Ms. Hirkaler
- Glen Meadow, Raven Evans & Carly St. Clair- grade 6 – Ms. Hirkaler
- Kittatiny Regional High, Katie Ayn Domaracki – grade 7 – Ms. Bitondo
- Kittatiny Regional High, Bridget Schetting – grade 7 – Ms. Bitondo
- Kittatiny Regional High, Keegan Monahan – grade 7 – Ms. Bitondo
- Glen Meadow Middle School, Anna King – grade 6 – Ms. Hirkaler
Raven Evans & Carly St. Clair _Glen Meadow Middle School_Grade 6
Keegan Monahan_Kittatinny Regional High School_Grade 7
Gabrielle Cox_Franklin Borough School_Grade 8
Charlotte Adam_Frankford Township School_Grade 4
Brooklynn Davis_Frankford Township School_Grade 4
Bridget Schetting_Kittatinny Regional High School_Grade 7
Arianna Johnson_Glen Meadow Middle School_Grade 7
Anna King_Glen Meadow Middle School_Grade 6

1. Kittatiny Regional High School- Kaleigh Diaz, grade 7 – Ms. Bitondo

2. Kittatiny Regional High School- Luka Shaub, grade 7 – Ms. Bitondo

3. Lounsberry Hollow, Vernon – Callie DeRitter, grade 4 – Mrs. Reed