• 40 Developmental Assets

Asset Building

This is an interactive workshop utilizing Search Institutes’ 40 Developmental Assets. These are positive experiences and qualities that all of us have the power to bring into the lives of children and young adults. These traits are demonstrated through hands-on activities. Workshops are tailored to fit various sectors in the community and can be done with any combination of students, parents, grandparents and community members.

Research has proven that increasing the number of assets in a child’s life helps to reduce high risk behaviors. Assets promote academic success, civic engagement and other positive behaviors. Assets also divert youth from risky behaviors such as substance abuse, early sexual activity and violence. When faced with negative pressures or difficult circumstances, assets give young people the strength and resiliency they need to make good choices.

Additionally, Learn how to improve workplace morale through the use of Search Institute’s asset building techniques and strategies. This workshop is designed to be engaging, interactive and encouraging. It will provide you with the necessary tools and suggested policies needed to create a healthy, satisfying workplace environment that you can start using immediately.

Audience: Parents, staff, community members, bus drivers /support staff (maximum 100 participants per workshop)

Length: 60 to 90 minute for a workshop

Call for fee, schedule or possible grant funding. For more information, call 973-383-4787