We are currently closed for the Holiday. We will reopen on Tuesday morning.

  • Whole School Whole Community Whole Child

Whole School Whole Community Whole Child

Our Goal

The School Health NJ Project’s goal is to improve the health (physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially) and well-being of students and school staff as well as the health and safety of the school environment.

Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child

The Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) Model is the framework used to promote healthy schools and improve overall adolescent health. The model contains ten components used to address the needs of students, strengthened by a school-wide approach and supported by key community members and resources.Grants are available to schools throughout the 7 counties of the Northern New Jersey region (Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Morris, Passaic, Sussex and Warren) to create healthier school environments. Through these grants the Center’s School Health team hopes to improve student and staff wellness by increasing opportunities for enhanced lifestyle choices.

How does the WSCC School Health Project NJ Grant work?

Through NJDOH funding and a 3–4-year partnership with CFPC’s School Health Team, schools have the opportunity to strengthen their district’s capacity to support and sustain healthy school change. This time together will allow schools to establish a WSCC Health & Wellness Coordinator position, create a Health & Wellness team, and develop a School Health Improvement Plan based on the ten components. The team will assess, develop, implement, and report on school health, wellness policies, programs, and activities. This model will create an opportunity for school systems to improve school health, enhance students learning ability and create sustainable change.

Current Northern Region Grantee Schools

  • Joseph H. Brensinger PS 17 – Hudson County
  • President Barack Obama Community School, PS 34 – Hudson County
  • Dr. Michael Conti, PS5 – Hudson County
  • Union City High School – Hudson County
  • West Caldwell Tech High School – Essex County
  • Franklin Borough Elementary School – Sussex County
  • High Point Regional High School – Sussex County
  • Joseph H. Brensinger Public School 17 - Hudson County
  • President Barack Obama Community School, PS #34 – Hudson County
  • North Bergen High School – Hudson County
  • Union City High School – Hudson County
  • Warren Hills Regional High School – Warren County

Parents as Champions for Healthy Schools

The Parents as Champions for Healthy Schools Training is a two-day workshop designed by the Statewide Parent Advocacy Network (SPAN) and facilitated by The Center for Prevention and Counseling’s School Health Team. During this workshop parents are trained on how to become champions for healthy schools by learning how health promotes achievement in school and life, understanding how their school district works, discovering the important role of parents in shaping school environments and acquiring the tools to make a difference in their schools. Throughout the training parents are given the resources needed to construct an appropriate action plan that addresses a specific need within their child’s school. They are then provided the information and guidance on how to create and present these proposals efficiently and effectively to their school’s administration. At the end of each training teams are led through the process of applying for a $1,000 mini grant to implement their action plan the following school year. “It was great to share and learn from other parents. The information presented was timely and concise. Excellent Work! Thank you.” Previous Parent Champion.


WSCC Forms



Youth Leadership Camp

Our annual Youth Leadership Camp is a jam packed day including outdoor activities, leadership training opportunities, team building exercises and personal growth. Students participate in activities such as: archery, boating, tie dye, and small group training workshops led by a keynote speaker each year.

WSCC Leaders

Ashley Caine
Prevention Services Supervisor
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Tamara Contreras
Prevention Specialist
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Rachel Kays
School Health Prevention Educator
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The School Health Project at the Center is funded by the Maternal and Child Health Services Title V Block Grant, administered by the New Jersey Department of Health, Child and Adolescent Health Program.