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Our Mission

Prevent youth substance misuse and connect Northern Jersey communities to prevention resources.

Our Vision

To create healthy and safe communities that are free from substance misuse, addiction and related issues among people of all ages throughout Sussex and Warren County.

Sussex County Coalition for Healthy and Safe Communities

Sussex County Coalition for Healthy and Safe Communities (formerly known as the Coalition for Healthy & Safe Families) was founded by concerned local citizens in 1998 to support healthy youth development and protect against problem behaviors in adolescence by reducing risk factors and enhancing protective factors in children’s lives. Over its 20+ years of existence, the Coalition has become a well-recognized resource for schools, parents, students, community members and the media looking for information and programs about alcohol and other drugs; including signs, symptoms, effects, and current local and national trends; youth violence; and prevention tools.

In 2012, the Center for Prevention and Counseling (CFPC) was awarded funds from the New Jersey Department of Human Services to develop regional, evidenced-based addiction and substance use disorder prevention strategies that target at-risk groups of all ages. Through the work of the Coalition, CFPC formed a partnership with Family Guidance Center of Warren County (FGCWC) to serve the entire region. To reflect its new scope, the Coalition changed its name to the Coalition for Healthy and Safe Communities.

What is Prevention?

Effective prevention is guided through evidence-based strategies with the goal to positively impact people where they work, live, play and pray.

Prevention is done by using “upstream” methods to address and make community-wide changes. Upstream refers to addressing risk factors and social determinants of health early on to reduce first use of substances among youth.

These is done by building upon community resources, involving all 12 sectors in decision-making, and utilizing protective factors to ensure a healthy and safe community.


What we do

The Coalition uses a strategic plan (based on Sussex County data) to focus on reducing youth substance use. The plan addresses each of the five drug categories below:

Tobacco and Vaping
Tobacco and Vaping
Find resources and information on Tobacco Free for Healthy NJ!
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Underage Drinking
Underage Drinking
Each year the coalition offers different contests, trainings and education all around the topic of alcohol.
Emerging Drug Trends & Illegal Substances
Emerging Drug Trends & Illegal Substances
The Coalition provides information including drug trend updates on an ongoing basis.
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The coalition has a marijuana workgroup that seeks to share education and best public health practices with municipalities, schools, businesses and parents.
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Misuse of Prescription Medication
Misuse of Prescription Medication
Project Medicine Drop-boxes is where you can drop off unwanted, unused, or expired medication. Find a permeant location near you!
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Upcoming Trainings
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Alcohol Awareness Contest

Check out the winners of our 23rd Annual Alcohol Awareness PSA contest Every Day is a Good Day Alcohol Free, 11 Sussex County schools had winning entries! With over 125 submissions, these entries truly stood out. Thank you to the teachers that had students enter as we appreciate their concern about this topic, Senator Oroho who provided awards to each of the winners and runner ups, the Sussex County YMCA who provided family passes to the participants and iHeartmedia who recorded and played 2 youth PSA’s on the radio throughout the month of April.

Coalition Leaders

Tina Aue
Director of Prevention Services
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Ashlyn Gec
Coalition Assistant
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Kaitlyn Decker
Coalition Coordinator
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Coalition Meetings

The Healthy and Safe Communities Coalition meetings are held virtual via zoom on the second Friday of each month at 9AM, unless otherwise noted in the calendar. To register to attend a meeting click the button below.