Parents as Champions for Healthy Communities Training

Parents as Champions for Healthy Communities Training

On March 4th and March 11th, Pam Pastorino and Ashley LeBelle, School Health Specialists and Northern Regional Coordinators of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child Grant hosted a Statewide Parent Advocacy Network (SPAN) – Parents as Champions for Healthy Schools” workshop. During this two day workshop, fourteen parents (including two teen moms) representing five different schools in Hudson County were trained on how to become champions for healthy schools. Throughout the training parents were given the tools needed to construct an appropriate action plan to address a specific need within their child’s school. They were then provided the information and guidance on how to apply for a $1,000 grant and present these proposals efficiently and effectively to their schools. After both trainings it was clear that the parents were more than ready to set forth on achieving the goal they constructed during this course.

“It was great to share and learn from other parents. The information presented was timely and concise. Excellent Work! Thank you.” 2017 Parent Champion