We are excited to announce the winners of our 2023 Alcohol Awareness Youth PSA Contest “Every Day is a Good Day…Alcohol Free.” 11 Sussex County schools had winning entries! With over 150 submissions, these entries truly stood out. Thank you to the teachers that had students enter as we appreciate their concern about this topic. Be sure to check our website later this week to view our winning entries.
- The 10 poster winners will be featured in the NJ Herald in the school section in April
- The 2 PSA winners will be featured on 102.3 WSUS, iHeart Radio through-out April for Alcohol Awareness Month.
- The 1 video winner will be featured on social media platforms throughout the month of April.
- The honorable mentions will be featured below.
- Frankford Township School, Liam Sherfer – grade 4
- Sparta Middle School, Brielle Lessard – grade 6
- Long Pond School, Christopher Catanese – grade 7
- Wantage Elementary School, Lillian Aragona – grade 5
- Kittatinny Regional HS, Ava Hull – grade 7
- Kittatiny Regional HS, Adrianna Defabritis & Abigail Bloxham – grade 9
- Helen Morgan School, Brynn Lessard – grade 4
- Hopatcong Middle School, Lacey Weber – grade 7
- Franklin Borough School, Lily Geuther – grade 6
- Glen Meadow School, Renee Kaczor – grade 6
Liam Sherfer Frankford Township Grade 4
Brielle Lessard Sparta Middle School Grade 6
Christopher Catanese Long Pond School Grade 7
Lillian Aragona Wantage Elementary School Grade 5
Ava Hull Kittatinny Regional HS Grade 7
Adrianna Defabritis & Abigail Bloxham Kittatinny Regional HS Grade 9
Brynn Lessard Helen Morgan School Grade 4
Lacey Weber Hopatcong Middle School Grade 6
Lily Geuther Franklin Borough School Grade 6
Renee Kaczor Glen Meadow School Grade 6
- Ogdensburg Elementary School, Alexa Baker – grade 5
- Ogdensburg Elementary School, Jordyn Trinkleback – grade 7
- Kittatinny Regional HS, Laney Steffens & Audrey Inglima – grade 7
- Kittatinny Regional HS, Gianna Goedeke – grade 7
- Hopatcong Middle School, Alesi May – grade 7
- Ogdensburg Elementary School, Savannah Becker – grade 8
- Wantage Elementary School, Brayden Stoeckel – grade 5
- Frankford Township School, Rory Smith – grade 4
- High Point Regional HS, Nicole Palmenberg – grade 11
- Long Pond School, Caulder Tellbuescher – grade 7
- Franklin Borough School, Jailyn Caraballo – grade 8
- Glen Meadow Middle School, Alexis Sinche – grade 8
Alexa Baker Ogdensburg Grade 5
Jordyn Trinkleback
Laney Steffens
Gianna Goedeke
Alesi May
Savannah Becker
Brayden Stoeckel
Rory Smith
Nicole Palmenberg
Caulder Tellbuescher
Jailyn Caraballo
Alexis Sinche

1. Wantage Elementary School- Gabriella Snookn – grade 5

2. Wantage Elementary School- Braevyn Monto-Leavitt – grade 5