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  • Recovery Coach Programs

Opioid Overdose Recovery Program

24/7 Help and Referral Line 844-722-5327


The Opioid Overdose Recovery Program (OORP) utilizes Recovery Coaches and Patient Navigators to provide bedside interventions and follow-up support for patients at Newton Medical Center experiencing problems related to substance use.

Recovery Coaches are notified by the hospital 24/7 to meet with patients and maintain contact for a minimum of eight weeks after discharge, providing non-clinical peer support through a recovery coaching model.

Patient Navigators link the patient to treatment and other recovery or support services and facilitate transitions and warm hand-offs between providers.


Recovery Coaches are individuals in long-term recovery from addiction that have been professionally trained to engage and support individuals affected by substance use. Recovery Coaches provide stage appropriate information ranging anywhere from overdose prevention and harm reduction education to information on treatment options, support meetings and wellness planning.


Opioid misuse and overdose has been on the rise in New Jersey as well as nationwide. Evidence indicates that administering a drug like naloxone to an individual who suffers an opioid overdose is a critical step needed to save a life. However, by itself, it is not nearly enough to accomplish the overarching goal of recovery. This program aims to put an end to the “revolving door” where too many individuals endlessly cycle in and out of emergency departments and never connect to treatment or recovery support services.

The Opioid Overdose Recovery Program was originally designed to engage individuals reversed from an opioid overdose and has since expanded, allowing us to offer assistance to patients at Newton Medical Center experiencing any problems related to substance use.

Most hospitals in every county of New Jersey have an Opioid Overdose Recovery Program with funding from the New Jersey Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services.

For more information about the Opioid Overdose Recovery Program, please contact Annmarie Shafer, Director of Recovery Support Services, at 973-383-4787 or [email protected].