Category Archives: news

Impact of Cannabis: Prevention Resources

Prevention is about delaying the onset of first use, whether alcohol, tobacco or marijuana – the most commonly used substances among teens – until the brain has fully matured. The early someone starts using substances, the greater their chances of developing a substance use disorder (SUD), and the more severe their illness is likely to be,” Addition Policy Forum

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National Prevention Week

National Prevention Week (NPW) is a public education platform that promotes prevention year-round through providing ideas, capacity building, tools, and resources to help individuals and communities make substance use prevention happen every day.

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Champion Awards – Building for the Future

The 2020 Champion Awards will honor five outstanding community individuals who have dedicated their time and effort to our mission. Please join us to recognize our “champions.” We are grateful for their dedication and we want to share the special contributions they’ve made to advocate for our agency and reinforce the work we do in Sussex County.

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