Category Archives: Youth

Too Smart to Start

Too Smart to Start addresses underage drinking using a research-based curriculum with interactive activities designed to engage students. Remote response clickers are utilized, group activities are conducted and fatal vision goggles are demonstrated when appropriate. This comprehensive program addresses alcohol and does so in a way that is educational and fun, thus encouraging students to be active participants. Additionally this workshop can be done with youth and parents together, thus allowing them to hear the same message and then be able to discuss the topic with a better understanding of the issues surrounding underage drinking.

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Boy’s Council

The Boy’s Council is a group for boys that focus on strengthening each boy individually and as a group in a safe, healthy, and positive manner. The goals of the group are to examine messages that are sent to males in today’s society, allow different options for self-expression and team experiences, and aide in building their own unique skill set. The boys will be engaged through thoughtful discussion and interactive activities as they touch upon such topics as competition, bullying, diversity, feelings, role models, violence, relationships, and decision making.

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Footprints for Life

Footprints for Life™ is a six-week, classroom-based primary prevention program. The program is researched-based and designed to build developmental assets and teach skills through the use of puppets. The participants follow the story of a children’s soccer team as the animal characters experience real-life situations. The Footprints for Life program offers many opportunities for students to practice the new skills they have learned in a fun and open way.

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Vernon Youth Group

Have you “LIKED” us on Facebook and followed us on Instagram?! Well…if not then here’s your reminder- Like us at Vernon Coalition youth group and follow us now @vernoncoalitionyouthgroup. Don’t forget to tell your friends!Are you interested in helping out in your community, becoming a strong leader and making positive change by inspiring and empowering […]

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Youth Leadership

Youth Leadership Training introduces seven habits, using the Covey model, as they apply to teens and how each can enrich their lives and the lives of those around them.  This concept applies the timeless principles to the teens and the tough issues and life-changing decisions they face on a daily basis.  The Youth Leadership training […]

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Boys Council

Boys are challenged to be leadersBoys’ Council is a 10 week program. The boys were challenged in this group to be a leader for part of a session if that was something they wanted to work on for themselves, and at least ½ the boys stepped up for to the challenge and did a great job. […]

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Girls Circle

Girl’s Circle is an evidence-based program designed to meet the unique challenges teen girls face by creating a safe program structure that focusing on increasing positive social connections, building and strengthening self-esteem and developing resiliency. Essential life skills are taught through group discussions, team building games, role playing and creative writing.

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Financial Stability Project

This project is an innovative collaboration between CFPC and United Way of Northern NJ. Through education, skill building and mentoring, FSP assists Sussex County residents in increasing their financial knowledge, building savings, and attaining assets. As part of FSP, CFPC joins forces with NORWESCAP RSVP, United Way of Northern NJ, and the IRS to assist […]

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