Category Archives: Youth

Week of Respect

Week of Respect is an opportunity for New Jersey schools to focus on building and supporting positive school climates for students, staff and your school community! The week of respect is an excellent opportunity to kick-start year-long campaigns and initiatives. Center for Prevention and Counseling has provided daily themes, social media posts and projects that are easy for Sussex County schools to replicate during Week of Respect.

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2021 Alcohol Awareness Contest Winners

Here are the winners of our 21st Annual Alcohol Awareness PSA contest “A Healthy Me…is Alcohol Free”, 11 Sussex County schools had winning entries! With over 100 submissions, these entries truly stood out. Thank you to the teachers that had students enter as we appreciate their concern about this topic.

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2019 PRIDE Survey Youth Data

Since 2006, the Coalition for Healthy and Safe Communities, a Program of the Center for Prevention & Counseling, in Collaboration with participating Sussex County School Districts, conducted a biannual survey of students in grades 6th-12th on their attitudes and behaviors regarding mental health, alcohol, tobacco and other

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Red Ribbon Week

begins Friday, October 23rd and this year’s theme is “Be Happy, Be Brave, Be Drug Free.” As we prepare for Red Ribbon Week, we are sharing ideas for daily activities, as well as social media posts to utilize within your school community. Don’t forget to send us pictures of what your students are doing for Red Ribbon Week, we will be sending out emails to highlight your activities.

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Celebrate without Alcohol 2020

June is traditionally a time for celebrations and, school graduations are truly a milestone to remember! Although this year is a bit different it is still a time to celebrate. When celebrating, keep in mind that teens and even some adults might think it’s okay to include alcohol as a rite of passage.

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Tobacco Free for a Healthy New Jersey

New Jersey Prevention Network (NJPN) Coordinates the Tobacco-Free for a Healthy New Jersey (TFHNJ), statewide project which focuses on increasing New Jersey residents’ access to smoke-free air where they work, live and play. The project is funded by the NJ Department of Health, Office of Tobacco Control, Nutrition and Fitness to provide regional outreach efforts in partnership with Atlantic Prevention Resources and Center for Prevention and Counseling.

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7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens/Peer Leadership Training for Youth

Using the Covey model “7 Habits of Highly Effective Teen”, this program introduces the seven habits as they apply to teens and how each can enrich their lives and the lives of those around them. This program utilizes evidence-based strategies, such as being strength-based, culturally competent and focused on resiliency and youth protective factors. The program applies the timeless principles of the “7 Habits” to teens and the tough issues and life-changing decisions they face.  By providing all participating youth with this training, the “7 Habits of Effective Teens” will become the foundation upon which other social competencies will be developed. Social competencies are those skills and abilities which, according to research published by Hawkins and Catalano, help youth to become resilient and able to make healthy life choices. The goal of this training is to improve social competencies among youth through various skill-building opportunities designed to increase their resiliency and ability to make healthy life choices.  Outcomes can be a reduction in alcohol and other drug use and an increase in leadership skills.

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Get Bully Smart

This is an evidence-based 4 week program for 3rd – 5th graders that addresses bullying using interactive activities including skits, role playing, games and DVD scenarios. Topics include: Are You a Bully?, Help! I’m a Bully, Five Ways to Stop a Bully and Don’t Stand By! All components are designed to encourage students to practice assertiveness skills and promote a zero-tolerance policy toward bullying. Special handouts for teachers, parents and administrators provide useful reinforcement tools for the entire school community.

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Botvins Life Skills Training

Botvins Life Skills TrainingLST is comprehensive, dynamic and developmentally appropriate substance abuse and violence prevention program for youth in 3rd – 6th grade. This evidence based curriculum focuses on personal self-management skills, general social skills and drug resistance skills.Audience: 3rd – 6th gradeCost: Call for DetailsLength: Eight 45-minute sessions

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